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Should I hire an Attorney?

Should I hire an Attorney?

This is one of the smartest questions you could be asking.  There are tons of variables to consider.  There really isn't a clear cut answer, but there are some reasons that you absolutely should hire an attorney,
1.) Attorney's know the value of your claim and they will keep you from getting low balled by an insurance company.
2.) If the other party has the same insurance that you do, Most attorney say that an Attorney is a must.  Because your insurance is both working for you and against you.  They say the only way to get a fair settlement is to hire an Attorney in these cases.
3.) If the other party is a drunk driver or in some other way such as driving and texting, speeding in excess of 20mph over the limit, ect... then you need an Attorney.  Most Attorneys say  In these cases the only way to come close to getting a fair settlement is with an Attorney.
4.)  If the injury is severe.  Most Attorneys say the only way to get close to a fair settlement is with an Attorney.
Having been a massage therapist for 15+ years and having heard my patients stories and their settlements I would say that the Attorney are correct in these 4 seniarios.
So I don't fit any of above 4 situations.  This doesn't mean that you don't need an Attorney.   There are plenty of other reasons.  My advice is always consult with an Attorney.  This doesn't cost anything in most cases and might uncover another reason why you need professional help.
Written by Peter L Spairring L.M.P.
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