Call (425) 793-7700 to reach Cedar River Medical Massage

Massage for Pruritis

Doctors report Massage is found to effectively reduce pruritis, or itchiness in severe burns. The most irritating part of severe burns is the itchiness the inability to relieve the sypmtoms leads to depression.  Doctors and scientist in the UK have reviewed the effacacy of massage therapy as treatment for burn victims.  A study involving 28 burn patients that were assigned 30 minute massages twice a week using cocoa butter as a lubricant.  The sessions reduced anxiety, cortisol levels, and patients reported extended periods of itch reduction.  These findings were reported in the Journal of burn care and research.
Massage may be best treatment for back pain!
Scientific studies show that massage may be best treatment for back pain. (425) 793-7700 Cedar River Medical Masage
Massage is effective for tension headaches!
Massage is effective in reducing tension headaches. (425) 793-7700 Cedar River Medical Massage
Masssage Can reduce back pain!
Information about Whiplash?
Whiplash is the the quick forward back motion of the neck past it's normal range of motion.
What is Sports Massage?
Car accident statistics!
Over 12 million car accident happen yearly, involving more than 20 million cars, trucks and other motor vehicles.
Auto Accident Statistics
Car accident statistics.
Lasting Back Pain Relief!
Back Pain relief from massage lasts 1 year (425) 793-7700
What is Whiplash?
Whiplash does not describe an injury but the motion of the head that causes severe neck injuries. (425) 793-7700
What is Nerumuscular Therapy?
What Is Neromuscular Therapy? (425) 793-7700
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